Kamis, 07 September 2017

Education Efforts Can Be Layered So That The Patient's TB Does Not Drop Out

Education Efforts Can Be Layered So That The Patient's TB Does Not Drop Out


Timika, Drop out or stop medication prematurely makes no completion of treatment of tuberculosis or TB. This way any potentially triggering TB MDR (Multi Drug Resistance). To avoid this, an important education given to patients. It's just that, sometimes there are patients who just mengiyakan when given education but in practice, patients are not heeding advice to dutifully take drugs. Well, TB Clinic that is part of the clinic of Timika, in the shade of Mimika regency Health Office, applying a layered educational. So in the beginning come, patients will meet kak Cheryl, she is a nurse. Later recorded how the patient's condition, completeness of data, weighted his body weight, there's been given the education of patients, said Dr. Wonderful Puspitasari as doctors in the TB Clinic, the clinic found in Timika, Timika, Papua, on Wednesday (22/3/2017). Then, the patient will be examined by Dr. wonderful. During the examination, the patient was also given education reserved the possibility of TB. Support for examination, patients can undergo tests of sputum or thoracic photo in TB Clinic. If the results are positive, then patients will be heading to a counselor named Nurdin. Pack in this YG ngasih Nurdin counselling to patients. Explain what are the consequences if the drug dropped out, how the importance of medical treatment has been completed, and what must be done of the patient. Including an understanding that Dinnerware dont need to be separated for example, said Dr. wonderful. Read also: similar but not same, how to Distinguish the symptoms of lung cancer and TBSetelah to ' post ' counseling, the patient will be heading to the pharmacy digawangi by Peter or familiar accosted om pet. here, Peter will calculate when to date the patient must control medical treatment and take medication. Each patient had already prepared the drug per box. So om Pet ngingetin also when the patient must reverse. As long as it was also given a patient education. Is loaded with educational deh, said Dr. wonderful. also be done taking the drug Supervision team of the TB Clinic. When there is a patient who should control but does come it will be approached to his home. To make it easier for officers in the field, they are also provided with a map of domicile to the telephone number of the patient. Proven, powerful layered education decreases the level of the patient's DO. In the years 2012, 2013, and 2015, the number of DO zero percent with the number of cases of 235, 261, and 210. It's just that, in the year 2014 with a total of 206 cases, levels DO there is still 0.9 percent. Dr. Wonderful says, in the TB Clinic, there are 700 visits per month. Usually found in a week, three to five new cases of TB. Of all cases, 80 percent is Pulmonary TB cases in the same occasion, Manager of Community Health Development (CHD) of PT Freeport Indonesia, Govert Waramori said zero percent numbers drop out aims so that no patients who DO so can MDR TB spared and no doubt so that the patient's healing can be achieved. Here TB drugs for free from the Government. Any examination. It's just for ancillary drugs provided by us. Here there is also a collaboration if anyone positive TB we invite to check for HIV. Similarly, if he's HIV positive we're test TB, said Govert. Read also: RI rank 2 countries with TB cases do not Terlaporkan (rdn/up) cara minum kopi hijau


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