Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

¿Realmente comen la misma comida todos los días, con un peso poderoso?

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¿Realmente comen la misma comida todos los días, con un peso poderoso?


Yakarta, para poder bajar de peso, hay varias maneras en que a menudo se hacen. Bueno, si una de las formas es comer los mismos alimentos todos los días? De acuerdo con expertos en nutrición y fundadores de '¡SÍ! Nutrición ', Tori Schmitt, RDN, este hábito no se debe hacer porque simplemente te aburre rápidamente. Cuando se aburre, se teme que será fácil cambiar a alimentos poco saludables como la comida chatarra como un evento de venganza. Muchas personas creen que comer la misma comida saludable todos los días es lo mejor. Y aunque esto no es necesariamente así, dice Schmitt, citado de Women's Health Mag.Baca también: Eat Shrimp Then Drink Ice Orange, Does Effects for Body Según Schmitt, cuando comes alimentos con el mismo menú todos los días, entonces el cerebro gradualmente acostumbrado y aburrido. Con el tiempo, la comida sentirá menos sabor evocador. Esto puede llevar al deseo de comer otros alimentos. Esto continuará aumentando, hasta que finalmente coma la comida deseada, especialmente la comida chatarra. Además de buscar diferentes sabores, a veces esto puede ser un evento de 'venganza'. Si se deja solo, esto podría tener un impacto en la estabilidad del peso corporal, agregó Schmitt. Además de sentirse aburrido y apetitoso, comer la misma comida, eso solo también puede hacerte falta de ciertos nutrientes. Schmitt explica, básicamente, cada comida tiene una mezcla de diferentes nutrientes. Por lo tanto, en realidad necesita una variedad de alimentos diferentes todos los días para obtener una ingesta nutricional completa. Si aún desea comer con el mismo menú todos los días, querrá agregar nutrientes adicionales. Supongamos que quiere comer avena, luego puede agregar nueces o frutas diferentes todos los días, mensajes de Schmitt. Lea también: Para mantenerse sano, mantenga su corazón con el consumo 5 Consumo (ajg / vit)



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Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Her Baby Predicted Birth Defect, Here's How This Spouse Responds

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Her Baby Predicted Birth Defect, Here's How This Spouse Responds


Jakarta, Candidate baby Brandi predicted birth defects when the age of this woman's womb entered 20 weeks. When it found a liquid in the brain of Brandi's fetus.From further examination, both found the bitter fact that Brandi's fetus would later be born in a state of experiencing anencephaly in which the brain and the skull did not grow perfectly.We did not think there at all, let alone our two previous children just healthy, said Brandi.Pun with her husband. Michael was shocked, especially he had never heard what anencephaly was. But Michael is working hard and hopes there is still life expectancy for the prospective baby, although in reality it is futile. Seeing their fetus has the potential for birth defects like this, both were offered to undergo an abortion, before it was too late. But the couple agreed to continue pregnancy. The extraordinary decision taken by both of them later is that when the baby is born they will donate some of the baby donors to those in need or for research purposes. This is for the sake of our baby. When you have heard the heartbeat and you are offered to stop it, it is certainly difficult to do, Brandi said as reported ABC News.Read also: Kidneys Will Donated, Baby Dead This Brain Remained Assembled in Ventilator This decision is recognized Brandi also inspired from the story of parents with other anencephalic children. After receiving their fetal diagnosis, Brandi and Michael decided to do an independent survey and found the story of Royce and Keri Young couples in Oklahoma when they were interviewed on national TV station in March. Their babies also had anencephaly, then they decided to continue the pregnancy in order to do organ donors and hope to save many people. We want to be like them. Although she will not be long with us anyway, we will still consider her our third child and love her wholeheartedly, Brandi's determination. The 25-year-old woman also hopes her decision will change people's view of mothers who have miscarried or the baby is stillborn. Such topics are still often avoided or considered taboo, whereas talking about this could have helped the mother to face the bitterness that struck them. I did not want her to be forgotten, because she just could not survive. In fact I am planning to set up an organization with its name as a form of dedication, "added Michael.






Photo: GoFund Me / Medical Bills for Baby Rogers






The couple living in Effingham, South Carolina, also hoped their story could inspire other parents who experience misfortune similar to theirs. Bron and Michael's fetal calendars are predictably female and have been named, Emersyn.Jelang the birth of Emersyn, Brandi and Michael also held a 5K Run / Walk to honor their daughter while raising money. The collected funds will be used as Emersyn's funeral expenses and cover all necessary medical expenses. The rest will be donated to Anencephaly Hope, a support group for families with anencephalic babies. Read also: Want Organ Donors? Family Compulsory Agree (lll / up)